However, when trying to update with the built-in workflow update option it seems to get stuck (the attached image is just showed indefinitely) and the update is not downloaded/installed.

I noticed that there is an update to the workflow. The default strength of 3 is sufficient for most purposes (~6.5 years to guess the password on 2015 dedicated password-cracking hardware). Please see the GitHub README for detailed information on the strength of the generated passwords and which settings you should (or shouldn't) use. Pronounceable, randomly-generated gibberish words.ASCII letters and digits, excluding easily-confused letters and numbers.Several different password generators are included by default, including:

pwconf - Alter the default strength/length and activate/deactivate different generators.for 20 characters, strength can vary between 50 and >100 bits of entropy). Strength differs depending on the generator (e.g. pwlen - Generate passwords of the specified length.The default is 3, which corresponds to 96 bits of entropy. Strength can be either a number ( 1 or above) or a specific amount of entropy in bits, e.g. pwgen - Generate passwords of the specified strength.Get the workflow from the GitHub releases page or Packal. Strictly offline - it's safer not to outsource your security to a webservice.Shows the strength of each generated password.Offers multiple generators, including based on real words and pronounceable pseudo-words generated with Markov chains.Passwords can be generated based on strength or length.Banned words: but the generated passwords are random strings so actual words are unlikely to occur.Generate secure random passwords from Alfred.Complexify: but generated passwords should still satisfy complexify settings in the recommended range.*Settings not supported by the generator: The settings for the generator are taken automatically from the settings* of the password field, or you can configure the generator settings in the module config. Now any InputfieldPassword has a password generation feature.

Adds a password generator to InputfieldPassword.